
Food Network's 25 Best Food Trucks in the Country

Flash Crabcake Company, Baltimore

Peddling crabs in Maryland is sort of akin to bringing coals to Newcastle. But if you're going to partake of the native crustacean, it's best to have your cakes made by a bunch of lifelong locals like the folks at Flash. And thanks to their established relationships with shellfish purveyors, the Gordon family (former restaurant owners) are able to keep their quality high and their prices low. A thoroughly streamlined menu — think lump crab cakes, cream of crab soup, or crab cakes bobbing in cream of crab soup — also means your order will be ready in a flash.



WJZ-CBS Baltimore Interview

WJZ-CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A Maryland food truck is being honored as one of the best in the country by the Food Network.

The network recognized the Flash Crabcake Company as one of the 26 best in the nation. The truck is owned by the Gordon family and has been on the streets for five years.

“They know what we do and now they said look we really want to honor you and we said we would be honored, because we’re humbled by what we do. My wife and I are both Baltimore kids, I was born at Hopkins, my wife was born at Mercy,” said Jeff Gordon, owner of Flash Crabcake Company.

With Gordon’s personal recipe, the company has been making the crab cakes for years. Regular customers are called, “Flash fans”.

The Food Network gave the company rave reviews, saying, “If you’re going to partake in the native crustacean, its best to have your cakes made by a bunch of lifelong locals like the folks at Flash. And thanks to their established relationship with shellfish purveyors, the Gordon family are able to keep their quality high and their prices low,”

Customers follow social media to find out where they are throughout the day, the truck was in Fells Point on Wednesday for lunch.

“I’ve been working down here for years, we were just joking in a meeting inside and we saw the van outside so we had to come out and get something,” said customer Vince Salamone.

The company was honored by the network as part of a “Road Trip of America’s Best On-The-Go Eats”. It was the only Maryland food truck to make the list, although Fava Pot in nearby Washington D.C. was also recognized.



Spoon University

26. Baltimore, Maryland – Crab Cakes from Flash Crabcake Company


Photo courtesy of marikoiv on

This food truck specializes in, you guessed it, crab cakes. Eat with crackers or a potato roll. Their location changes but sticks to the Baltimore area. No condiments necessary.



Noah Eats

The Flash Crabcake Company

Written by: Noah Presler


Jeffrey and Jo Gordon deliver Maryland classics – crab cakes and cream of crab soup – as the one and only mobile crab cake company.  Their menu is simple, but their recipes and fun approach to food service is irresistibly unique. Follow Flash Crabcake Company on Facebook. 

  • Bon Appetit!









The Only Mobile Crabcake Company


Flash Crabcake Co. is not a food truck. The Gordon family: Jeffrey, Jo, Carson, and Beau, run the one and only mobile crabcake company. What this means is simple: “We do one thing, and we do it well. Crabcakes.”

Even the cream of crab soup comes with lump crabcakes inside when you order the new headliner “the Best of Both”.

The Beauty of Simplicity

The Gordons are former owners of JoMomma’s Steak & Seafood. They know the business of BBQ and the typical overly complicated menus with hundreds of options/combinations. Flash crabcake does away with this complexity: get soup or get a crabcake, or even get both. In any case, you’re good to go in a flash.

The Big Mac of Crabcakes


Try the DBLR with TWO super lump cakes on Martin’s potato roll with lettuce and tartar or mustard!

You don’t find many crabcakes sold curbside. They are a delicacy, filled with plump, delicious blue crab meat.  Usually, a great crabcake will lighten your wallet a bit more than you’d like, however, the Gordon’s have been in the business, buying the same crab for over 20 years. This experience has kept the price of their product low, and the quality of their cakes high.

In your first bite of a Flash Crabcake, you’ll find a mouthful of flavorful lump crab  – markedly with less bread filling and more meat. Deliciously spiced, you will need no condiments to enhance this succulent sandwich. Yet, mustard and tartar sauce are always available to enhance your crabcake experience.

Cream of Crab Soup


Cream of crab soup is served with crackers and is perfect for on the go eating

My favorite bite while on board the Gordon’s mobile kitchen was a heaping spoonful of warm, rich, and delicately seasoned cream of crab soup with the slight crispness and spice of a freshly baked mini lump crabcake.

This creative spin on a Maryland classic is what has me returning again and again. A cup of cream of crab soup, with or without the crabcakes, is the perfect snack for your walk to class or quick meal in the back of the lecture hall.

Bonus: checkout this delicious Marlyand Crab Soup Recipe from Jeff and Jo!

Follow The Flash Crabcake Co.

If you live in Baltimore, are visiting Baltimore, or are ever just driving through, grabbing crabcakes and cream of crab soup from the Flash Crabcake Co.  is an absolute requirement. Be sure to throw them a follow so you never miss out on this Baltimore treasure.

Come by, try a freshly baked sample and I guarantee you will walk away with a smile (and chances are a sandwich or cup of soup as well).


The mobile crabcake kitchen can be found next to Charles Commons most Mondays! You might even find JHU senior BME, Graeme Steller, charismatically working the truck. Come by!




Food Republic

Flash Crabcake Company does one thing and does it well: crab cakes. Literally, that is all they do. Their plump six-ounce blue crab beauties are served on your choice of crackers or a potato roll, with mustard or tartar sauce. Neither condiment is necessary, as the cakes have a nice hit of spicy seasoning. The crab cakes are served  from the window of a food truck owned by Jeff and Jo Gordon, who are happy to give you a cute little quarter-sized crab cake to taste before you take the plunge. Varying locations,



Coastal Living

Flash Crabcake Co.

Bel Air, Mayland

Marylanders are serious about their crabcakes, and Flash Crabcake Co. delivers in a big way from its mobile platform. There’s only one item on the menu: Fresh, Maryland-style crabcakes served right out of the oven. And if you’re feeling generous and want to serve the delicious fare to a crowd at home, Flash also offers a “Take it Baked” option for buying crabcakes ready to heat in the oven at home.



Food Republic - Flash Crabcakes

Food Republic named Flash Crabcakes as one of the six best places to get a crabcake in the lovely city of Baltimore. 

"Flash Crabcake Company does one thing and does it well: crab cakes. Literally, that is all they do. Their plump six-ounce blue crab beauties are served on your choice of crackers or a potato roll, with mustard or tartar sauce. Neither condiment is necessary, as the cakes have a nice hit of spicy seasoning. The crab cakes are served  from the window of a food truck owned by Jeff and Jo Gordon, who are happy to give you a cute little quarter-sized crab cake to taste before you take the plunge." -Food Republic